Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Holy Desperation

 March 5, 2010

Holy Desperation-

Lord that is my prayer for me and Your people. God give us a holy desperation. So many of us are desperate for a job or a mate or a revelation of Your plan for our life. But tonight, I pray You would release in us a Holy Desperation for You and for the things of God. But mostly, just for You.

Make us desperate for You, desperate to see You move in our lives, the lives of our friends, and the lives of people in this city. In the lives of the lost who do not know You.

God I am desperate for a move of Your Spirit. Desperate people sometimes do crazy things. They cry, they scream, they shout. They don't care what other people think because their desperation is all consuming, it is all they can think about. It is their obsession. Lord, may we be obsessed with You. Consumed by You. May we fix and lock our gaze upon the object of our obsession. May we meet face to face with You, the one we are desperate for. May we let You consume us with Your love.

God in the light of Your presence, all of the other things we are desperate for fade to nothing, and we can realize that You use those things as a tool in Your hand to draw us to a deeper place in You. If we will stop focusing all of our efforts into the things we have been desperate for, and focus them upon You, You will take care of all the other things that have consumed our thoughts, worries, and time.

Lord, I believe You have been using the hardships and circumstances of our lives to release a holy desperation in our hearts for You. You want to be our All Consuming Fire. You want to be the one that consumes our thoughts. You want our thoughts to be consumed with You and Your love for us.

God help us walk this out. Help us walk in holy desperation for You. Completely dependent upon Your speaking to us and moving in our lives. I know the fire has been hard and the circumstances tough, but if it can really produce a true deeper sense of longing and desperation for You, and it will help us draw near to You and know You more intimately, then Lord it is worth it because there is nothing more important in our lives than knowing You. Make us desperate for You. So much that we don't care what others think or say. Whatever emotions we experience or however it may makes us look, we don't care because we just want You!

I pray this not just for me, but also for my friends whom I sense You also bringing to a place of desperation. Lord use the desperate situations in our natural lives to produce a holy desperation in our spiritual lives. And let the spiritual desperation produce fruit in the natural world, and let us begin to see some of the naturally desperate situations begin to be resolved because of Your goodness and lovingkindness towards Your kids whom You love with a holy desperation that is far beyond our wildest imaginations. 

Make us desperately Yours, In Jesus Name! Amen

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